I have been teaching the two-year-old class at Lil Goldman for over 21 years now! I love teaching this age so much because they are like a roller coaster ride; you never know what to expect around the next turn, and they are full of endless energy and hugs. Your child starts out as a toddler, but leaves my class as a “big kid.”
I grew up in Washington State and attended both Eastern Washington State University and the University of Arizona. In addition to those, I studied at CECMAC in Morelia, Michoacan Mexico, and met my husband of 34 years there. Before teaching here, I taught at a CPS directed head start program in Spokane for years. I have a son and daughter and two granddaughters.
The Twos class is for children who have turned two by September first of the calendar year. The Twos are all about independence. We are learning to go potty at home and at school independently. We find our cubby each morning and put away our things. We are beginning to speak in full sentences and follow two and three step directions. We practice negotiating social situations using words rather than crying or hurting a friend. In addition, we are starting to recognize primary and secondary colors, some numbers, and maybe our names in print. Most importantly we are becoming problem solvers! We integrate Hebrew and Jewish culture in all aspects of the day.