Preschool children live in a world of discovery. They see, hear, taste, smell, and feel their environment. Experimenting and discovering are vital to the child’s cognitive and language development. Everyday events become learning experiences when explored. The preschool provides an enriched environment in which sensory awareness, cognitive growth, and language development can flourish within a Jewish framework.
Jewish values are the foundation of our preschool program, bringing together the ideals of the Torah with early childhood education philosophy. Children learn best through experience; by constructing knowledge through action and play. We strive for a preschool environment where the children work as problem solvers. We believe that early childhood education affects the long term outcomes of children’s lives. We play a critical role in helping our young children become effective adults in society. The preschool program meets these goals and makes a commitment towards Jewish continuity.
Our strong, confident teachers set limits, fairly and consistently, providing help and intervening when needed, and maintaining security and protection, while encouraging children to resolve conflicts peacefully, and, when possible, independently. Classroom environments are designed with a variety of defined areas: Language/Writing, Science/Discovery, Blocks, Gross Motor, Music, Manipulatives/Fine Motor, Art, Dramatic Play, Reading. These centers provide intellectual stimulation designed to match the preschooler’s developmental abilities and interests. We provide a cognitive-oriented preschool environment where the children work as problem solvers.